St. Louis 314.333.4444
St. Charles 636.447.1649

Retention and Detention Ponds

Retention and Detention Ponds help keep our environment cleaner

(Pricing starting at $2,500)

Retention vs. Detention

Two kinds of ponds are often used for flood control and storm-water runoff treatment: wet ponds and dry ponds. Both systems function to settle suspended sediments and other solids typically present in storm-water runoff. Both retention and detention ponds require periodic maintenance.

Retention Ponds: Also known as wet ponds, maintain a pool of water and serve throughout the year and hold storm-water runoff following storms. Retention ponds help keep sediments at the bottom of the holding area. These can be found in scenarios where water from downspouts or storm-water inlets are present nearby.

Detention Ponds: Sometimes called dry ponds, hold water for a short period of time and serve as an important flood control feature. Their purpose is to slow down water flow and hold it for a period of time to help reduce flooding during storms. These are can be found in scenarios where water may pass beneath roadways.

Before brush removal, Tractor Supply Company, Alton, Il Retention Ponds

Retention pond over run by growth and debris

After brush removal, Tractor Supply Company, Alton, Il Retention Ponds

Retention pond, free or growth and bebris

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